It's being reported that Mideast "peace" talks are being suspended by Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority. The reason being given is that Israel will not extent its settlement building freeze. Mind you, these "settlements" are those that would be included in Israel "proper" if an Arab state is established on the lands of Judea/Samaria (aka West Bank).
Instead, the PA is thinking about opening talks with the well established terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip. If the Palestinians are supposed to be the "moderates" and Hamas are the "extremists" what does this tell us?
Are the "moderates" of the Palestinian Authority and the "extremists" of Hamas different than each other? In what way? Hamas is clear - Israel must be destroyed. The PA claims it only wants a state. Is the creation of another Arab state just a stepping stone toward the destruction of Israel?
Looking at the Palestinian Authority's revised charter we have to wonder if anything has really changed. While the terms "Israel", "Zionist" and other similar words are no longer included in the charter - it begins with these statements:
Revolution is our path to freedom, independence, and construction
It is a revolution until victory
It goes on to say:
This internal charter has been adopted within the framework of adherence to the provisions of the Basic Charter.
In reality, this "new" Palestinian Charter is an addendum to the Basic Charter - which includes the destruction of Israel.
Article (19) Armed struggle is a strategy and not a tactic, and the Palestinian Arab People's armed revolution is a decisive factor in the liberation fight and in uprooting the Zionist existence, and this struggle will not cease unless the Zionist state is demolished and Palestine is completely liberated.
How is this different from from the new charter?
You must prepare yourself to inspire the spirit of organized revolutionary work in every Arab soul that is sincere to Palestine and that believes in its liberation. Let us train ourselves to be patient and to face ordeals, bear calamities, sacrifice our souls, blood, time and effort.
Fatah is the armed wing of the Palestinian Authority. We see what their interests are by their symbol.

Their background includes a map of the whole of Israel - not the so called West Bank or just the Gaza Strip. Of course the additions of the machine guns and a grenade are nice touches.
The Hamas charter is not much different from the PA Basic Charter.
The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up.... There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad.... "I swear by the holder of Mohammed's soul that I would like to invade and be killed for the sake of Allah, then invade and be killed, and then invade again and be killed." (As related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).
Take a look at the Hamas flag.

Compare the Hamas and the PA flags - both have the whole of Israel on their flags. Both believe that "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free". Both believe in jihad and "liberation" through the murder of Jews.
Tell me again what differentiates the "moderates" from the "extremists" exactly?
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