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18 June 2009
08 June 2009
New Beginnings for the Middle East

Last week President B. Hussein Obama visited the King of Arabia prior to the now-famous Cairo speech. The King clarified for President B. Hussein what was on his mind. A settlement of the "Palestinian" problem.
King Abdullah told Obama during his visit to Riyadh last week that Arab patience was wearing thin and that a solution of the Arab-Israeli conflict would be the "magic key" to all issues in the region, al-Hayat said, quoting what it called informed sources.
"We want from you a serious participation to solve the Palestinian issue and impose the solution if necessary," the Saudi monarch told Obama, according to the paper, which is owned by a nephew of the monarch. It did not elaborate.
"...impose the solution if necessary." These five words sounded a loud alarm in head and sent me into my own archives where I found a similar quote regarding the "Palestinian" issue by an Obama advisor, Samantha Power.
Unfortunately, imposition of a solution on unwilling parties is dreadful. It's a terrible thing to do, it's fundamentally undemocratic …. And, unfortunately, it does require external intervention, which, very much like the Rwanda scenario, that thought experiment, if we had intervened early.... Any intervention is going to come under fierce criticism.
Never mind the Rwanda comparison... or the Holocaust comparison made by President B. Hussein just the other day.
Around the world, the Jewish people were persecuted for centuries, and anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented Holocaust... Six million Jews were killed -- more than the entire Jewish population of Israel today....On the other hand, it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people -- Muslims and Christians -- have suffered in pursuit of a homeland. For more than 60 years they've endured the pain of dislocation.
Yes, because "dislocation" and "Holocaust" sound so much alike - the murder of 6 million innocents on one hand and the "dislocation" of people who chose not to become part of Israeli society when given the choice, and left to rot by their Arab brethren in the surrounding countries on the other. Gosh, that's a close comparison when I think of it.
"Dislocation" is when 900,000 Jews are thrown out of their homes of 3000 years without a penny to their name - billions stolen from them by their Arab governments. Dislocation is when the last Jews of Yemen are forced to leave their homes due to threats on their lives and property. Dislocation is in no way comparable to mass murder. It is obnoxious and minimizes what was done to the Jews by the Nazis. It also minimizes the sacrifices that the American People made to free Europe from totalitarian rule only 65 years ago.
President B. Hussein has named his Cairo speech "A New Beginning". What kind of new "beginning" is this? A beginning without moral clarity?
When the King of Arabia starts to sound like Obama advisors... it's time for all Americans to wonder about this "new beginning" and what it means for Israel and our Middle East policies.
05 June 2009
A Good Jew is a Dead Jew
Yesterday President Obama gave a magnificent speech in Cairo directed toward the Muslim World and their sensitive sensibilities toward the United States. To "mend" our relationship with them.
His speech was quite elequent and masterful when he mentioned his next-day visit to Buchenwald and the murder of millions of Jews during the Holocaust.
"... a tragic history that cannot be denied." Of course, the Holocaust is the only reason why the Jews have a modern state to begin with. The guilt that the World temporarily felt after the Second World War allowed the Allied Powers to give the Jews back their homeland. This same guilt is no longer felt sixty years later. What the UN giveth... they may taketh away.
Obama's next breath went on to discuss the poor, displaced "Palestinian People" living a life under the terrible "Israeli occupation". Moral equivalency anyone? I'm sorry, did I miss something in my history class - were 6 million Muslims ever persecuted and murdered by Jews? When the modern state of Israel was created, the Arabs living there (there weren't that many) were given the opportunity to become citizens. They chose not to. They also chose not to resettle in the surrounding Arab countries as well. They chose to become refugees - the only "people" in the world whose refugee status didn't terminate after the first generation. Arab citizens even have members of the Knesset, the Israeli legislative body. I don't remember the Jews of Europe having representation in the Nazi government... or did I miss that in class too?
Yes, the "Palestinians" deserve a state of their own. A state where all are equal... oh, they have one already. Gaza. Not a Jew in sight. I vaguely remember a democratic election. Terrorists in Suits versus the Terrorists in Uniform. It's coming back to me now. The Terrorists in Uniform won aka. Hamas. I'm glad that worked out so well for Israel and the World at Large. Another Muslim State of Terrorists.
Oh, did the President say something about the "pain of dislocation"? Perhaps he's talking about the 900,000 Jews "dislocated" from their homes in Arab lands in which they lived for nearly 3000 years - thrown out without a penny to their name. Billions of dollars taken by the Arab World without a receipt or apology. I think not.
Today President Barack Hussein Obama (we're allowed to use his middle name now) visited the Buchenwald Concentration Camp. Buchenwald was a camp liberated by the Americans. A small camp in the scheme of things - only 56,000 Jews were murdered there - not counting the 13,000 others who were transferred to Auschwitz or other death camps.
Not to be cynical of course, but since we know that Obama's every word is scripted, and we can assume his every movement - Obama's presence at the concentration camp is a bone thrown to his Jewish Democratic supporters. After reversing the United States' strong support for Israel after 60 years, some in the Democratic camp may be concerned after hearing Obama's speech in Cairo that he may no longer be as Jew-friendly as one may have thought previously.
But not to worry, Obama is still a good friend to the Jews. Can't you see him talking to Elie Wiesel as he tours through the camp? Can't you see him furrow his forehead as he looks concerned and sad for those Jews who were murdered? Can't you see his impassioned face as he places white roses, symbolizing the German resistance, around the camp?
German resistance? Isn't that an oxymoron? It's okay for the Germans to resist a totalitarian Nazi government - but not okay for the Jews to resist those who want to wipe Israel off the map and push the Jews into the sea? It's okay for the totalitarian Nazi regime to be removed, but okay to establish a terrorist regime on Jewish land?
We must wonder who Obama thinks is the "good" Jew here. The live one who can defend himself... or the one on whose grave he can place his flower.
His speech was quite elequent and masterful when he mentioned his next-day visit to Buchenwald and the murder of millions of Jews during the Holocaust.
America's strong bonds with Israel are well known. This bond is unbreakable. It is based upon cultural and historical ties, and the recognition that the aspiration for a Jewish homeland is rooted in a tragic history that cannot be denied.
"... a tragic history that cannot be denied." Of course, the Holocaust is the only reason why the Jews have a modern state to begin with. The guilt that the World temporarily felt after the Second World War allowed the Allied Powers to give the Jews back their homeland. This same guilt is no longer felt sixty years later. What the UN giveth... they may taketh away.
Obama's next breath went on to discuss the poor, displaced "Palestinian People" living a life under the terrible "Israeli occupation". Moral equivalency anyone? I'm sorry, did I miss something in my history class - were 6 million Muslims ever persecuted and murdered by Jews? When the modern state of Israel was created, the Arabs living there (there weren't that many) were given the opportunity to become citizens. They chose not to. They also chose not to resettle in the surrounding Arab countries as well. They chose to become refugees - the only "people" in the world whose refugee status didn't terminate after the first generation. Arab citizens even have members of the Knesset, the Israeli legislative body. I don't remember the Jews of Europe having representation in the Nazi government... or did I miss that in class too?
On the other hand, it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people – Muslims and Christians – have suffered in pursuit of a homeland. For more than sixty years they have endured the pain of dislocation. Many wait in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza, and neighboring lands for a life of peace and security that they have never been able to lead. They endure the daily humiliations – large and small – that come with occupation. So let there be no doubt: the situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable. America will not turn our backs on the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own.
Yes, the "Palestinians" deserve a state of their own. A state where all are equal... oh, they have one already. Gaza. Not a Jew in sight. I vaguely remember a democratic election. Terrorists in Suits versus the Terrorists in Uniform. It's coming back to me now. The Terrorists in Uniform won aka. Hamas. I'm glad that worked out so well for Israel and the World at Large. Another Muslim State of Terrorists.
Oh, did the President say something about the "pain of dislocation"? Perhaps he's talking about the 900,000 Jews "dislocated" from their homes in Arab lands in which they lived for nearly 3000 years - thrown out without a penny to their name. Billions of dollars taken by the Arab World without a receipt or apology. I think not.
Today President Barack Hussein Obama (we're allowed to use his middle name now) visited the Buchenwald Concentration Camp. Buchenwald was a camp liberated by the Americans. A small camp in the scheme of things - only 56,000 Jews were murdered there - not counting the 13,000 others who were transferred to Auschwitz or other death camps.
Not to be cynical of course, but since we know that Obama's every word is scripted, and we can assume his every movement - Obama's presence at the concentration camp is a bone thrown to his Jewish Democratic supporters. After reversing the United States' strong support for Israel after 60 years, some in the Democratic camp may be concerned after hearing Obama's speech in Cairo that he may no longer be as Jew-friendly as one may have thought previously.
But not to worry, Obama is still a good friend to the Jews. Can't you see him talking to Elie Wiesel as he tours through the camp? Can't you see him furrow his forehead as he looks concerned and sad for those Jews who were murdered? Can't you see his impassioned face as he places white roses, symbolizing the German resistance, around the camp?
German resistance? Isn't that an oxymoron? It's okay for the Germans to resist a totalitarian Nazi government - but not okay for the Jews to resist those who want to wipe Israel off the map and push the Jews into the sea? It's okay for the totalitarian Nazi regime to be removed, but okay to establish a terrorist regime on Jewish land?
We must wonder who Obama thinks is the "good" Jew here. The live one who can defend himself... or the one on whose grave he can place his flower.
04 June 2009
Our (Painfully) Clueless President
Much has been said about the speech President Obama has given today in Cairo directed toward the Muslim world at large. Amazingly enough how now is the time that Obama has deemed it permissible to use talk about his early life living in Muslim countries... while only a few months ago - it would have been racist or Islamiphobic to mention such things.
Robert Spencer has done a nice job analyzing said speech. I recommend taking a look at his analysis.
Daniel Pipes also has a good piece as well. Make sure to follow the links within the article.
Being willfully ignorant and clueless when you are a "Joe" on the street isn't a huge deal... but to be ignorant and clueless as the President of the United States - is dangerous for us all.
Robert Spencer has done a nice job analyzing said speech. I recommend taking a look at his analysis.
Daniel Pipes also has a good piece as well. Make sure to follow the links within the article.
Being willfully ignorant and clueless when you are a "Joe" on the street isn't a huge deal... but to be ignorant and clueless as the President of the United States - is dangerous for us all.
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