03 December 2013

Thoughts for the Beginning of the Week

Just a few random thoughts:

Recently, I've been wondering where our "Crazy Uncle" Joe Biden has been. AWOL for quite a while now. As I checked the news yesterday - and surprise! he's on his way to Asia, going to try and sort out that little tiff they're having over there with China throwing their weight around grabbing airspace over disputed islands. Good luck to him… although maybe we should be sending Secretary of State Kerry since he's been so successful with the Iranian nuclear program. Heh.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised - people are suggesting that we get rid of Presidential term limits. I will admit that while this writer makes some decent points when suggesting the idea - I am not in favor of any president from any party without a limit to their time in office. We see from this presidency, a demigod who can do no wrong, how much damage can be done to the country in such a short amount of time… and we still have three more years to go.

To wrap up, I just want to point out how fantastic Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper is for Israel. He was the guest of honor recently for the Jewish National Fund's Negev dinner (JNF - best known for planting trees in Israel). He gave a great speech (a must see) - and followed it up with a performance with his band. Not bad. Not bad at all. At this point I think it is fair to say that the Canadian government may be Israel's best friend.

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