17 May 2007

Shira's 50 Most Influencial People

Okay, so I'm knocking the number down to fifty. To be honest, I just don't have the time to put it together. I've got about 25-30 on a scrap piece of paper.

I'm thinking of adding Mandy Moore (actress) to the list - she's clearly stated that she's only going to be in movies that have positive messages associated with it. I've never seen any of her movies, does anyone have any thoughts about that?

Also, thinking of adding Laura Ingraham, talk-radio hostess. Why Laura and not Rush or Sean? I'm thinking Laura since she doesn't only focus on politics. She also looks at "cultural" issues that effect America. With her "power to the people" push - people feel that they have a chance to make a difference. And her listeners really are making a difference.

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