17 May 2001

Where is our Outrage?

Where is our outrage? Where is our grief? The Kotel closed on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. The Temple Mount handed over to the same people who destroyed the Tomb of Joseph, now rebuilding it as a mosque. The same people who butchered three reservists who accidentally drove into the "wrong" city. The same people who answered one of those reservists' phone when his wife called and told her they were busy murdering her husband. These are our "partners" in peace? Where is our outrage? Where is our grief?

How many more will be sacrificed on the alter of the "peace process" and the "negotiating table" before we say Dai - enough! Arafat has declared this process dead. Let us believe him at his word! He has declared in English what he has said in Arabic for years - Jihad, Jerusalem is ours, we will pave our way in Jewish blood. Jewish blood that has never found its way into media attention.

Eicha! Where are we? The blood of our brothers cry out to us from the ground.

Eicha! We are a People who has forgotten our history. Eicha! We are a People willing to forgive atrocities in the name of peace. We are a People willing forget what pride means. We are a People willing to forgo what the world understands as self-respect.

Eicha! We are a People without a soul. Where is our outrage? Where is our grief? For our children, for the tombs of our forbearers, for ourselves - who cannot understand that it is time to cry. And if we cannot cry, and we have no grief,

Eicha - where are we?

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